2010 Accreditation Process
The Chancellor is ultimately responsible for UCR's reaccreditation process. In 2004 Chancellor France Córdova delegated that responsibility to Executive Vice Chancellor/Provost Ellen Wartella, who appointed a Steering Committee and Subcommittees to guide the process. Later, Chancellor Timothy P. White and Executive Vice Chancellor/Provost Dallas Rabenstein kept the same steering committee and subcommittee structure. The UCR Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) is the official representative of the campus to WASC and the person through whom communication between WASC and UCR takes place. The Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education serves as the campus ALO .
Most of the documents referenced here are available in the 2010 Proposal for Accreditation, 2010 Preparatory Review Report, 2010 Educational Effectiveness or 2010 WASC Team Visit Reports pages.
Note that the outcome of this visit was communicated to Chancellor White in March of 2010, and that letter is available here.
Appointment of UCR WASC Steering Committee:
In November 2004 Executive Vice Chancellor/Provost Ellen Wartella appointed a WASC Steering Committee, co-chaired by Professor Eugene Nothnagel and Vice Provost Yolanda Moses, to plan and oversee cycle of WASC reaccreditation.