Accreditation Process
UCR has been accredited since 1956 and the campus’ accreditation was last reviewed in 2018. This will follow the process laid out in the WASC 2013 Handbook of Accreditation. Some major milestones in that process are listed below:
Preparation of the Institutional Report
The Institutional Report is the institution’s self-study (typically 50-75 pages). This is not only where the campus documents compliance with specific WASC Criteria for Review (CFRs) but also a place for the institution to tell its story
Selection of the Review Team
The team that conducts the accreditation review is selected by WASC staff with consultation from the campus. Review teams are typically five people drawn from higher education and most review teams include a mix faculty, staff and administrators from within and outside the WASC region.
Off-site review
This is a conference call between campus leaders and the review team. It gives the team a chance to ask questions that emerged from their review of the Institutional Report and determines the issues they would like the campus visit to focus on.
On-site review
During the onsite review the visiting team and WASC staff will spend about three days on campus. The visit will involve meeting with people from across the campus in both large and small groups, including key institutional leaders, faculty, students and staff.
Commission Action
After the visiting team leaves the campus they share a preliminary version of their findings and recommendations with the campus. The report and recommendations are forwarded to the full WASC Commission for approval. It is the Commission that makes the final judgement about a campus’ accreditation status. Reaccreditation can be granted for six, eight or ten years; if there are issues of concern, an interim report or special visit may be required. In the case of serious concerns about the quality and sustainability of an institution WASC also has a variety of sanctions that can be implemented.